Salto Slingback (Female Art) – Dr Nikki Shop


Salto Slingback (Female Art)


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Experience an intense penetration and increased G-spot stimulation with the help of the SlingShot. Plush and padded cuffs and straps help you spread your partner’s legs wide to gain full access. As a canvas for your love-style’s work of art, the SlingShot helps create masterpieces night after night.



This is a great product to help get you into various positions but also support your body whilst doing so. The padded pillow behind and the soft cuffs also help to make it a comfortable transition. The difference between the female art and the male art is simply just the length, however this is not always a representation of how some genders identity and this should be considered on height and not gender.

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Salto Slingback (Female Art)

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